Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Coding With STEAM: Student App Competition
Application Design Summary Template
Describe the OPPORTUNITY (up to 300 words): Each submission will include a paragraph on the opportunity for the app or game. Include topics such as:
 For Apps: what problem are you looking to solve with your app, why do you want to solve it, and what will be the impact on people with the solution.
 For Games: what genre of game are you looking to build (examples: puzzle, strategy, educational, role playing, action, sports), and why you are targeting that category.
 Do you plan to make a profit from your app or game, or is it intended to be a non-profit solution?
 Are there currently any other product or services that already do what your app or game does? If so, what are the flaws with those product or services?
 What is the market opportunity size and potential (i.e., how many people do you expect to use your app or game, and how much revenue is possible to generate?) Explain the APP/GAME (up to 1000 words): Each submission should include a complete description of the app or game, including:
 What the app/game does and how it works – enumerating all features, capabilities, levels, goals, etc.
 How and why people will use the app/game – and how it meets the opportunity outlined above.
 The technologies the app/game will use (e.g., PC, Tablet computer, mobile phone, 2D/3D graphics, network, special device capabilities, social networks, etc.)
 Step-by-step instructions on how to use the basic app functions.
 How you expect customers to get your app/game (e.g., via a web site, in an app store, etc)
 If you plan on earning revenue with the app/game, how you will do so (e.g., online purchase, advertising, consulting opportunities, etc.) Create Storyboards and graphics for the APP/GAME: Each submission should include a set of sketches that show how the app/game will look and flow:  You may use the templates in this document to sketch how the screens will look (include: splash screens, app/game menus, screens for each function/level of your app/game – be as complete as possible)  Include any images/graphics that will be part of the app/game, such as characters in the game (make sure you have the right to use the image if you are copying the from somewhere)  Create a flow chart that shows how the app/game will flow for users  All storyboards/graphics can be hand drawn, or you may use any graphics tool of your choice Describe the target CUSTOMER (up to 500 words): Complete a basic profile indicating your understanding of the needs of the customer, including:
 Type of person who will use the app/game
 How big is the audience for your app/game? How many people do you expect to use it in the first year?
 Why these people will find your app/game useful and compelling – and how you came to that conclusion Create the MARKETING pitch and plan (up to 500 words): Each submission should include a marketing pitch of the app/game to customers, investors or donors (non-profit). This includes:
 A brief, one paragraph, marketing “pitch” that will convince potential customers to use your app/game
 A paragraph on how customers will find out about your app/game (i.e., how you’ll market it) Defend your INNOVATION (up to 500 words): Sell the judges on why this is a great solution that deserves to win!
 Explain to the judges what the innovative nature of your app or game. Why is it needed? How is it different from other apps and games? What makes it unique? Is it fresh and innovative? Why will people want to use it? How much revenue do you expect to earn?
Coding With STEAM: Student App Competition
Storyboard Template

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